Monday, 16 July 2012

Ghakim's Tournament Topping Gravekeeper's deck list

Oh hey, sup guys. Since I haven't posted in awhile, I thought I'd post the deck list for the one deck that's been ever strong and in circulation for a long time: Gravekeeper's. I was concerned about releasing this at first but now I'm like 'bitch please' cuz I've hardly seen another guy play Gravekeeper's and everyone prefers a faster deck but hey, the lack of appearance is how you win the battle.

Monsters (15) :
1x Fossil Dyna Pachypelano
1x Gravekeeper's Assailant
3x Gravekeeper's Commandant
3x Gravekeeper's Descendant
3x Gravekeeper's Recruiter
3x Gravekeeper's Spy
1x Sin Stardust Dragon

Spells (13) :
1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole
2x Gravekeeper's Stele
3x Necrovalley
1x Night Shot
3x Pot of Duality
2x Royal Tribute

Traps (12) :
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Dark Bribe
1x Dimensional Prison
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
1x Starlight Road
2x Torrential Tribute

Extra deck:
3x Stardust Dragon
1x Utopia
1x Chaos Utopia
(The extra deck is really where you can put in anything you want)

So yeah, I guess there's some explanation to some of my card choices.

Fossil Dyna Pachypelano:
This is one of those unexpected side cards that's mained. Its quite funny if your opponent thinks 'Oh its just a stupid recruiter or a spy' and then they swarm and get killed by this shit. Also helps to beat your opponent to death without the problem of Gorz.

Night Shot:
I did have Cyclone inside at first but due to the amount of cards used to control the opponent, it was eventually squeezed into 1 or 0. However, Cyclone is only useful if its used to eliminate backrow on the turn its set and chained with. It does suck however to hit a chainable card like Raigeki Break or another Cyclone, hence the change to Night Shot.

Bottomless Trap Hole:
I only run 1 due to the prominence of Inzektors. Sometimes the first appearance of Damsel can be the end so this card can be completely useless by then. Otherwise, the most common card to terminate huge monsters.

Compulsory Evacuation Device:
I did run 3 at one point though there's no reason to do so if your opponent can easily Normal or Special Summon the monster again. Otherwise one of the best cards to eliminate Tribute or Extra deck monsters. Kinda funny too to see your opponent's reaction when you use this on Spy.

Dark Bribe:
One of those cards that was originally meant to stop the big storm without a painful cost. Also stops any of the game changing spell/traps.

Dimensional Prison:
The ever so useful card to eliminate your opponent's monster from eliminating yours. A better top-deck than Bottomless Trap Hole, especially when you're being beatdown by a measly monster.

Well, I guess that's about all I can present to you folks about the deck which I topped 5 of WDF's tournaments with. Its not the strongest deck in the game but its one of the easiest, cheapest and most versatile decks in the game. Anyone can just pick up this to learn and play. You don't even need the extra deck at times, other than for Stardust Dragon. Maybe after this you guys will play Gravekeeper's too. But hey, Gravekeeper's mirror matches are funny as they are uninteresting. I set 1 monster and end my turn.

- Ghakim as Marik

Thursday, 12 July 2012

All the talks about Lightpulsar

I am not gonna say any shit about banlist, because majority has done that.
I just be writing a small issue people had with Lightpulsar.
Not mentioning names:
Some claim Lightpulsar is the problem card.
Not saying it is False or anything, it is agreeable but not entirely.
When I read this, I still felt REDMD is as a huge problem as Lightrpulsar. REDMD is to me, one of the factors that Lightpulsar claims its rightful position in Chaos Dragon Deck.

At first . I was unsure what to write ,cause apparently I was brain dead.....
It was till one of my friend smack the facts at me than I was able to use his explanation to tell eveyone here, Lightpulsar is not 100% in credit/Problem in helping Chaos Dragon win games.

I saw one YGO blogger (not mentioning names) wrote this "If Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon would be considered the king of all dragons then Lightpulsar Dragon is most definitely the most loyal knight in the dragon empire"

Yes, I 100% agree with this statement, Lightpulsar is the best card to be used with REDMD and Atums is also a gay card to be used with REDMD.
Both Atums and Lightpulsar are loyal knights to REDMD

However, he forgot one very important fact.

The King has the ability to restrict the power of his subjects.

Hope you get the idea here.

IF the king only grant a certain  amount power to his subject, that is the limit the subject can do.

In many games I saw, to me about 70% of the Chaos Dragon player used LightPulsar's effect to revive REDMD

Cross-refer to REDMD.

If you do not have REDMD to revive in the game or if konami decides to be a dick and hit REDMD in their banlist), Lightpulsar's effect and number of possible/potential targets would be reduced.

Thus by restricting or limiting REDMD, you are controlling the power of Lightpulsar Dragon as well.

The gay power of Lightpulsar is dependant on availability of REDMD in grave.

Considering the worst situation to mild situation for REDMD

REDMD is Banned! (Yeah dream on!)
- Number of Chaos Dragon player will drop drastically in my opinion.

REDMD is limited?
- How many Lightpulsars will you put?
- What if the only REDMD is bottomless? Able to get it back?

REDMD is semi-limited
- Life will go with some bumps or some player apparently only run 2? So does it affect them?

REDMD is untouched
- Life goes on.

Considering the worst situation to mild situation for LightPulsar.

LightPulsar is Banned (Yeah 100% bullshit in my opinion)
- No worries, there is Atums, even though it does not create the impact that is as strong.

Lightpulsar is limited?
- Life is sea-sick?

Lightpulsar is semi-limited
- Not really much impact, apparently not many runs 3

Lightpulsar is untouched
- Life goes on, you happy, I also happy.

Personal opinions and friends' guidelines

Odin Kaiserchronik Kitaras