Wednesday, 21 March 2012

What is this. Breakthough people! Lair wire for the win!

Me: Crazy bombers
Ghakimx: You don't say!

In the past insect archetypes are like "Stupid"
Now, people worshiped them because of Inzektors. However, while worshiping them, they forgot about insect support cards. And Sam showed a difference between an average duelist and a pro duelist. There are always things that we overlooked, and it is these pros that make the breakthrough!

While watching game 2 of Malaysian Asia Qualifyer finals. Sam used this card:


I was like "WDF is this!"
I was like "Why I never think of this!"
And guess what, under other card information tips section. I saw this:

I saw a badly misspelled tip in the last section for inzektors. It shows that that tip was written in last minute. (Maybe, it is  straightaway after the Malaysian Asia Qualifiers). 

What does this prove? It shows how many average duelists like me are very short-sighted. What to do? We must breakthrough! Need to be inventive and innovative to create new ways of plays. I wonder how will Singapore Asia Qualifiers be like? Will there be a new breakthrough?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It has been around for a while