Saturday, 18 February 2012

Full Yen Ranking Tournament Report at (18/2/2012)

- Trying my best to do a decent report, my Opponents please enlighten me if there is anything wrong

After my bad performances on the last tourney, I decided to get things serious. Finally put in Chaos hope and Fortress
Number of participants : 12+??
Deck used: Karakuri
Judge: Jiyeon

Round 1 vs Edwin Soh/Fellow Teammate (Mirror Match) OXO
Game 1: He veiler my merchant at the start of the game, however, I did the standard karakuri stuns and push the game from there.
Game 2:  I veiler his Merchant at the start of the game (Conicidence). After I did my Karakuri stuns and failed to kill him, He just went Chimeratech Fortress Dragon and beat me from there.
Game 3: After turns of exchanging blows we ended up top-decking. Luck was on my side when I had a Karakuri Komachi mdl 224 “Ninishi” and drew another karakuri monster. Push the game from there.

Round 2 vs Wei Heng (Dark World) OO-
Game 1: If I remember correctly, I cyclone his face down skill drain. Beat him down from there, his Grapha revived for a beating only.
Game 2:  I had a bad hand at that time, have a Karakuri Ninja, DD.crow with two Iron call stuck there with no targets in grave. The intense moment is where he set heavy backrow with an active skill drain. He dragged down to grave my DD. Crow. However, I managed to draw another 1 and removed that Grapha from play. I actually had a heavy storm a few turns later, but I decided against using it as he had set 2 face down monsters (I suspect one of them is a morphing jar : Turns out to be true later. Decided to clear his two set monster before hitting for game)
He xyz Hope which of course I warning. Note: Turns out to be a great mistake…. Guess what I drew the next turn? Yes, surprisingly; Mind Control………(No chaos Hope.)
After I killed his two set monster (A morphing jar is one of them...), He makes things difficult by mind-crushing Iron call. Both of them get thrown into the grave. (He knows what I got due to drag down)
He also threw in “system down”, My Catastor was gone and my grave becomes karakuri free.
However, I gathered enough resources on my hand at that time. Heavy storm his backrow. I then did karakuri swarming, used mind control to move his last monster out of the way and go for game

Top 4
Round 3 vs Roger (Junk Doppel) OXX
Game 1: Used a Merchant to ram into a mystic tomato. He did not seemed to have anything for me. Went Trishula and hit from there. (He seemed to be warming up because things got hard for me on the 2nd and 3rd game)
Game 2: Made a terrible mistake when I set warning first instead of bottomless. Got 6k life points left, He threw in a trag and did beatdown.
Game 3: Made a serious mistake by continuing to special summon when he drop a Maxx C. Got bit nervous, and messed up. It ended up with Roger having 9 cards in his hand while taking 2.8k from scrap dragon. He did his swarming with that many resources and kills me from there.

Result: last 2 of top 4
Not much to say better than expected, some luck I guess.
Anyway, I got advice from Wesley about Maxx C so thanks alot
Got too nervous, I guess.but I had fun. Going to be better I hope.
End of report

Yoong Kang


zzxiaoboizz aka pohseng said...

who was the other top 2 player if 1 of them was roger?

Odin Kaiserchronik Kitaras said...

1st: Wesley
2nd: Roger

I and Sean are the last 2